Developed a Disability Lived Experience Reference Group

  • Project statusReference Group Formed
  • Last updatedFeb 2023
A group of hands placed together in a teamwork motion; wheelchair in background

In order to ensure everything we do is accessible to all our residents, rate-payers, visitors or anyone passing through our Borough, Council has developed a Disability Lived Experience Group. The Borough of Queenscliffe Disability Lived Experience Reference Group is a group of people who represent diversity in our community, understand disability through experience, and can advise and guide Council as we update our Disability Inclusion Action Plan.

The reference group consists of those who have a lived experience with a disability, carers and allies along with Councillors and Council officers. This group helps Council better understand the issues that affect people with disability and then allow us to do something about addressing those issues.  

Council put out an Expression of Interest to all those applying to partake in this reference group. From this, Council received 22 responses. Each member was invited to partake in the group, which now meets regularly to help guide and inform Council decisions.