Dog restrictions review outcome

No longer on display. Expired on 31 May 2023, 12:00 AM

The Council review relating to dog restrictions on Borough of Queenscliffe beaches was conducted between September – December 2022, this review gauged community and stakeholder feedback and any need for change.

After much consideration, it was determined that an amendment to the dog restriction dates in December is required, as conflicting dog regulations between Council Local Laws and Parks Victoria (the body responsible for the Marine National Park beaches located in Point Lonsdale) are impractical. Council adopted the recommendation at the March Ordinary Meeting of Council that the summer dog restrictions be brought forward from the 15th of December to the 1st of December through until the last day of February in any year.

Dog Restrictions Order

In order to ensure consistent and well-understood dog restrictions that align fully with Parks Victoria, the body responsible for the Marine National Park beaches located in Point Lonsdale, an amendment of the dog restriction dates in December has been recommended by officers to Council.

The Borough of Queenscliffe gives notice that at the March Ordinary Meeting of Council, council adopted the amended Dog order below;

Borough of Queenscliffe

Domestic Animals Act 1994

The Council in the exercise of its powers under Section 26 of the Domestic Animals Act 1994

resolved that from the date of the publication of this Order that:

1. General Matters

a. The owner of any dog must keep the dog under effective control by means of a leash

or chain when they are in a public place in the municipal district, except where signs

designate an area as being available for unleashed dogs.

b. Dogs are not permitted on any beach in the municipal district between the hours of

9.00am and 8.00pm each day from the period from the first day of December until

the last day of February in any year.

2. Exceptions and obligations

Despite clause 1 (b), dogs may be exercised off leash at the Narrows Beach provided that an

owner has the dog under the effective control at all times and provided –

a. The dog remains under effective control by either voice or hand commands and the

dog remains within sight of the owner so that it can be immediately brought back

under control by placing it on a leash or chain if it becomes necessary to prevent the

dog wandering out of effective control or to avoid any intimidating behaviour or

threatening attack; and

b. The owner does not allow the dog to worry or threaten any person or animal and

does not allow the dog to attack any person or animal.

3. Interpretation

For the purposes of this Order:

a. “Public Place” has the same meaning as the Summary Offences Act 1966

b. “Owner” has the same meaning as in the Domestic Animals Act 1994

c. Narrows Beach is the beach that is adjacent to the are described as Dog Beach

carpark (also known as Narrows Beach carpark) in the Narrows, between Point

Lonsdale and Queenscliff. The Narrows Beach extends from the end of the rock sea

wall eastwards to a boundary which is approximately level with the west end of

Fraser Street, Queenscliff to the low water mark.

Any previous Orders made under Section 26 of the Domestic Animals Act 1994 are repealed.

Kelvin Spiller
Acting Chief Executive Officer


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