Queenscliffe Tourist Parks Operational Review

  • Project statusConsultant report under review by Council
  • Last updatedMarch 2022
Victoria Park

Council's tourist parks are a valuable asset for our community. They provide affordable accommodation for visitors, generate income, and attract new customers and clients to support local businesses.

Because the parks are so important, Council is developing a strategy to make our caravan parks more financially sustainable and competitive into the future. Some of the changes we're investigating include operational improvements, new services and facilities, and opportunities to increase visitation in the winter months. By making sure our parks are financially sustainable over the long term, we can ensure our community and our visitors continue to enjoy their benefits for years to come.

Consultation for this project closed at 11:59pm on Sunday 15 August 2021. An independent consultant has created a draft report based on the outcomes of this consultation. Council is currently reviewing this report and its recommendations in detail. You can read a copy of this draft report and consultation summary under the heading "Related information" on this page.